

Within a 20 km radius, many villages are listed among
"les plus beaux villages de France" (the most beautiful villages of France)

Rocamadour (one of the oldest pilgrimage places - the second most-visited    site de France.
Collonges-la-Rouge (and its red sandstone houses)
Loubressac (the most beautiful view in whole kingdom)
Autoire (in a cirque bordered with cliffs)

Curemonte (where Colette stayed for a while)
Beaulieu (and its so interesting abbey church.



Castelnau castle (a very imposing fortified castle and its classical music festival at the beginning of August)
Montal castle (a Renaissance jewel)
Tauriac church and its beautiful frescos       

A little further :
Martel (the 7 towers city)
Turenne (listed village)
St Cirq-Lapopie (in the wonderful Célé Valley)
Figeac (city of art and history)
Sarlat, Domme…




The Dordogne River offers bathing and fishing spots, canoes to rent for one or several days
        (60 km from Beaulieu to Souillac)

In Carennac, you can also rent mountain bikes (easy cycling on the plain, more athletic on Causse) and play  tennis.
Golf in Montal
Aquatic center in "La Saule", 4 km from Jean Lou Pastre
Artificial lake in Tauriac (supervised bathing spot)
Zoological garden in Gramat
Riding center in Bilhac
Paragliding in Floirac
Potholing and climbing in Creysse
Padirac (walk 103 meters underground)
Caves, including Padirac (very near) and Pech-Merle, a beautiful decorated cave
Cinema showing art films in Biars

In Rocamadour, you can see Le Rocher des Aigles (Eagles rock),
 La Maison des Abeilles (Bees House), La Féérie du Rail (Railway Enchantment)

"Le Parc Naturel des Causses du Quercy" (Causses of Quercy nature park) is very close and offers a lot of beautiful walks between 1 h and 5 h long, or more (national hiking trails GR 6, GR 36, GR 65, road to Compostelle).

You'll find a detailed map and many ideas of walks in both gîtes.



Main events :

Jazz festival in Souillac and Assier (high quality)
Opera in Castelnau (beginning of August : St Céré and Haut Quercy festivals)
Concerts in churches
Art exhibitions in St Céré, Figeac, Cajarc
Theatre festival in Figeac
Villages fairs
Antique markets every week-end (list put up in gîtes)
Farmer's markets (list put up in gîtes) where fine local products are directly sold by their producers :

Foie gras, truffle, saffron,
Confits, duckbreasts,
Quercy lamb,
Rocamadour cabécou,
Cahors wine,
Golden plum of Carennac,
Melon, strawberry,

         Gastronomy :

           A list of the best tables of the area (restaurants, inns, farms) is at your disposal.

 Home Gîte Grangette Gîte Fournil

Jean Lou Pastre Carennac Le Causse  location and access Prices